Wednesday, August 15, 2007

KISS principle

Some one that I truly respect asked me today to explain how I performed something related to security issue. This person is a great source of knowledge for all that concern "Application security", and one hell of a smart guy.

While trying to figured out how to explain it, and yet not expose my deepest technical secrets, I remembered one great subject that once I was honored to learn about.

It called "KISS".

"The term KISS is an acronym of the phrase 'Keep It Simple, Stupid', and the KISS principle states that design simplicity should be a key goal and unnecessary complexity avoided. It serves as a useful and frequent verbal exhortation (or even dedicated policy) in software development, animation, engineering, and in strategic planning (especially military operations). Other versions of the phrase include "Keep It Simple & Stupid" (most recently used in west-European literature), "Keep It Sweet & Simple," "Keep It Short & Simple," "Keep it Simple, Sweetheart," and "Keep it Simple, Sherlock," and the obvious scatalogical variation.

The principle roughly corresponds to Occam's razor, and to Albert Einstein's maxim that "everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler."[1]

Leonardo da Vinci, who lived after Ockham’s time, had his own variant of Occam’s Razor, sidestepping the need for sophistication by equating it to simplicity: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"

Taken from

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