Saturday, December 22, 2007

What is my Windows password ?

There are some live CDs that are used to recover the Windows Password (in case you forgot what it is) as well as other things.

One of them is ophcrack
(Remember ERD commander 2005?)

See how it is simple to use Ophcrack in here

More info:

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Risk Assessment, continue

The sum was sent

More info on "Assessing Risk" can be found here

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Risk Assessment part 1

As promised I will publish in the next days the sum of the lecture that I presented on 18/09/2007 at the technion class.

it will include all the links, tools and highlights.
You will be more than welcomed to comment if some thing is missing.

In general , more info can be found on

1. (Security Risk Management Guide )

2. Michael J. Murphy's Web Log

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Sign up for security communications: default.mspx
Order the Security Guidance Kit: default.mspx
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Download MSAT ver 3.0 on:

Friday, September 14, 2007

recommnded site of the week

This site was recomended by my friend ^E^.

You can find there some great simple tools for spoofind, port scanning, web security, wireless, honypots ,audits and more


port scanning

web security

they have also released their ethical hackers tool kit


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Risk assessment & managment

I am going to lecture at the technion on “Risk assessment & management” on
- 18/09/2007
- 23/09/2007
The summery of the lectures will be publish on 24/09/07

More lecture's subjects and dates will be publish soon.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

wild but not from the wild - viagra shell code

viagra shell code - By Jacky Altal ... and Davidi
"Shellcode may be used as an exploit payload, providing a cracker with, typically, command line access to a computer system with the privileges of the process that has been exploited" - quoted from wikipedia.

We founded our self using fixed Payloads written by metasploit group (HD More, Skype). Usaully, the Download && Execute, Windows Execute Command, Windows Bind Shell and obviously the Reverse Shell are the easiest to understand especially when you are new to the shell code area. In order to add some fun , here is an hearable shell code to add to the personal arsenal kit.

This is quite big shell code and it cant be used on small buffers but still...
Cant stop smiling while running my shell code again and again.

This is only a taste of the shell code source. you can find it all in the following link: HackingDefined

Credits Jacky Altal

void main(void)

__asm (

mov eax,345 //1b8h
mov ebx,392 //1f4h
push eax
push ebx
mov edx,0x7c837a77
call edx

mov eax,500
mov ebx,326
push eax
push ebx
mov edx,0x7c837a77
call edx



Sunday, August 19, 2007

.Net Password Cracking by Jacky Altal and Amir Davidi

.Net Password Cracking by Jacky Altal and Amir Davidi


Papers saying that 95% of the .NET applications are vulnerable to a simple cracking method, in my experience most of the .NET are too easy to crack and most of them are considered to be level one cracking. I don’t think that a high programming level should be required to accomplish this task. Actually it is much easy to crack .NET files then any other type of EXE. You are going to need a Brain……

What are .NET assemblies?

- .NET assemblies (Apps, Dlls) are running on .NET Framework
- .Net solutions/projects compiled into MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) and then assembled to .NET assemble


.NET framework comes with two important tools:
ILDASM - .NET de-assemble
ILASM - .NET assemble

Logical Steps:

- .NET de-assembling
- MSIL code editing
- .NET re-assembling

Let's start cracking…………….InternetTV

1. Install the application.
2. Insert any password that you want and take a note of the error message.
3. Locate the exe file.
4. Open ILDASM.
5. Change (C)onditional jumps to the opposite value (82 to 83)
6. Re-assemble file


ILDASM is a Microsoft tool that used to examine .NET assembly files. With ILDASM we can generate ILCODE from a given assembly file.

Let's open the InternetTV executable file:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin>ildasm "C:\Documents and Settings\jacky\MyDocuments\VisualStudio2005\Projects\ InternetTV \bin\Debug\AyalonHighWayViewer.exe" /out="c:\" /text

Now we have a disassembly file that we can work on. And named

Open the new file ( with your favorite editor and start editing it. Actually our goal is to remove the Secure Name Protection from the code and then search for username and password values. This step is very trivial and easy (if you want to understand more about the method just google it). As for now we will just remove it from our code and move on to the credentials values.

Search for "publickey" and remove it (if exists) then search for Password and User fields Get your values and you are set……


We will use the ILASM file to re assembly our file (comes with VS.NET)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin>ilasm C:\ILCODE\ /resource=C:\ILCODE\ InternetTV.res /output=C:\InternetTV.exe

Last step:

Copy the new InternetTV.EXE file to your installed directory and run it……….

In the next tutorial we will learn how to inject functions into another .NET application…..



Wednesday, August 15, 2007

KISS principle

Some one that I truly respect asked me today to explain how I performed something related to security issue. This person is a great source of knowledge for all that concern "Application security", and one hell of a smart guy.

While trying to figured out how to explain it, and yet not expose my deepest technical secrets, I remembered one great subject that once I was honored to learn about.

It called "KISS".

"The term KISS is an acronym of the phrase 'Keep It Simple, Stupid', and the KISS principle states that design simplicity should be a key goal and unnecessary complexity avoided. It serves as a useful and frequent verbal exhortation (or even dedicated policy) in software development, animation, engineering, and in strategic planning (especially military operations). Other versions of the phrase include "Keep It Simple & Stupid" (most recently used in west-European literature), "Keep It Sweet & Simple," "Keep It Short & Simple," "Keep it Simple, Sweetheart," and "Keep it Simple, Sherlock," and the obvious scatalogical variation.

The principle roughly corresponds to Occam's razor, and to Albert Einstein's maxim that "everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler."[1]

Leonardo da Vinci, who lived after Ockham’s time, had his own variant of Occam’s Razor, sidestepping the need for sophistication by equating it to simplicity: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"

Taken from

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

XSS fun

Credit to,44,page=51
Thanks also to Golan Yosef (finjan,mcrc)

Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3

Friday, August 10, 2007

New pictures from BlackHat & defcon 2007

"Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by an inability to sleep and/or inability to remain asleep for a reasonable period. Insomniacs typically complain of being unable to close their eyes or "rest their mind" for more than a few minutes at a time. Both organic and nonorganic insomnia constitute a sleep disorder.[1][2] It can be caused by fear, stress, anxiety, medications, herbs, caffeine, depression, or bipolar disorder and sometimes occurs for no apparent reason. An overactive mind or physical pain may also be causes. Finding the underlying cause of insomnia is usually necessary to cure it. Insomnia can be common after the loss of a loved one, even months or a year after the death, if they are not grieving correctly (pretending they are over it when they are not). It very often occurs when the person has a lack of food or not enough variety of foods (such as eating one food over and over again)." (

Instead of sleeping ... why not adding some pictures to the blog?
See below the link

Thursday, August 9, 2007

On 09-08-07 , WTF

"Actually, i am just testing to see if this system works."

I bet that most new blogs first statment is identical or similar to the above, but after a while the admin delete it (betting is a new habbit that i have imported latly)

While trying to get over with one week (*) Jet lag i got, from firsly visit in the US (VEgas.. Yoo hoo), and from some weird and not specific reasonable reason, i have decided that openning my own blog will cure the problem.(* "Problem" - See above for legal clarifications)

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