Tuesday, August 21, 2007

wild but not from the wild - viagra shell code

viagra shell code - By Jacky Altal ... and Davidi
"Shellcode may be used as an exploit payload, providing a cracker with, typically, command line access to a computer system with the privileges of the process that has been exploited" - quoted from wikipedia.

We founded our self using fixed Payloads written by metasploit group (HD More, Skype). Usaully, the Download && Execute, Windows Execute Command, Windows Bind Shell and obviously the Reverse Shell are the easiest to understand especially when you are new to the shell code area. In order to add some fun , here is an hearable shell code to add to the personal arsenal kit.

This is quite big shell code and it cant be used on small buffers but still...
Cant stop smiling while running my shell code again and again.

This is only a taste of the shell code source. you can find it all in the following link: HackingDefined

Credits Jacky Altal

void main(void)

__asm (

mov eax,345 //1b8h
mov ebx,392 //1f4h
push eax
push ebx
mov edx,0x7c837a77
call edx

mov eax,500
mov ebx,326
push eax
push ebx
mov edx,0x7c837a77
call edx



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